Friday, September 11, 2015


Hello everyone! Your Queen speaking~ I know it's been a long time since I've talked with you..

But there's a good reason for that I swear!!

Yui-chan care to explain?

*Yui stands up and walks over to you*


As previously mentioned in our last encounter, the Royal family consists of 3 people.

Which is bad for our government.

So in order to fix that your queen and my sister- Ember Hozaki has decided to inter marry with a king from the country of Relizio.

Hence our current absence.

*Smiles at you*

See! I told you I had a good reasons! Haha..

*Sighs* We won't be able to update as often as we'd like...but we're still alive..

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

❤❤❤~Welcome To The Queen's Kingdom~❤❤❤

Welcome to:The Queen's Kingdom


The people living here are very strange. So strange in fact, that you're life may be in danger if you associate with them.

Aside from that this place is completely safe!So enjoy you're stay!And whatever you do...


If on the off chance that you do.....

I suggest running for you're life.

Hello, and welcome to The Queen's Kingdom! We here in the Royal Palace would like to welcome you with open hearts~! So let's start the tour, shall we?


This is our wonderful city, Elora. It was named after the previous Queen, Elora Elizabeta II, who passed away a few years back.

In the center of the city is the Royal Palace where we Royals live.

Elora has no shortage of beautiful scenery, I highly suggest bringing a camera on your first visit!!

There are two main districts here in Elora. The Light district (North) and the Shadow district (South). 

If you look carefully, you'll be able to see where the light district and the shadow district collide.  

 This is one of our many Traditional Marketplace's. There are many scattered about the city, but I personally love this one, on the corner of Edolas and Rune road~

If you ever find yourself lost, just call Eve. She's an NPC of sorts. No matter where you are she'll find you in 20 seconds or less. Guaranteed!!

(She's never once been late might I add~)

Eve is part of H.A.O.E. 

{-Helpers Association Of Elora-}

H.A.O.E is an organization built to help the citizens of Elora. They may seem lazy and unmotivated, but they get the job done!

Enough about the city. I think It's time I introduced you to the Royal Staff!The Royal Staff are our assistants. They make sure we do our jobs and work closely with H.A.O.E to help improve the lives of everyday Elorian's.

They all have quirky personalities, but they're very capable.

It is now time for me to introduce you to the Royal family. Currently there are only 3 Royal family members, making our level of importance sink drastically.Even so I take great pleasure in introducing you to the Quee--


Muhahaha~ You thought you were going to be introduce to the queen? 

HA! Not yet at least~

LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF~!!! I am Princes Irina Hozaki~

Some say I'm obnoxious or a snob...but then again I'm royalty so what can they do about it?! Muhahaha~~!!!  


*is knocked out and taken to her room*


 I am terribly sorry about my sister...I suppose I should introduce myself. I am the current Queen of Elora. Ember Hozaki. Nice too meet you~! 

I sincerely apologize for my younger sister's behavior...She's a little...'strange' so to say.I see you've already been given the Royal tour...That doesn't leave much for me to do does it..?Hmm...Oh! How about this! Yui-chan?? 

*a small girl wonders in* 

Yes Onee-chan??

Would you be a dear, and give our guests here full access to the Royal Garden? 

*turns to you*

 Ah, this is the last member of our Royal Family. Yui Hozaki! My youngest and smartest sister!

B-But Onee-chan...Isn't the Royal Garden only for Royalty?

*turns back to Yui*

Yes. It was~ But as of right now our guests have full access okay?

Yes Onee-chan... 

*unlocks the Garden door and walks back to the Queen*

It has been done! 

*smiles at you*

 The Royal Garden can be accessed through an external link hidden somewhere on the blog. For more information please contact Onee-chan~!

Well said Yui-chan! 

*pats her head happily* 

Well! You heard her!You now have full access to the 'Royal' Garden!

*walks back in holding her head* 

Is it time to go already..?

Indeed it is. If you weren't so impatient you might have gotten more time to speak to our guests!

*nods in agreement*



*turns to you*

 It was a pleasure meeting you...Please come again..

*casually walks in*

Bai Bai-nya~!

Character Identification:

[Pink] Ember  [Purple] Irina  [Blue] Yui  [Violet] Neko